Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Health tips Include these anti-inflammatory foods in the diet to stay healthy

Health tips: Inflammation can be both good and bad for your health. It sometimes helps to fight infection, so sometimes it gives rise to weight gain and autoimmune diseases. Inflammation plays an important role in recovering cells and tissues. For this, inflammation balance is essential in the body. For this, you must include anti-inflatable things in your diet. Anti-inflammatory foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and auxiliary fates. Let us know:


All types of berries have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it also contains anti-oxidants, which act as a drug in chronic diseases. Two separate researches have revealed that NK cells are emitted by the use of berries. It contains antioxidants, which are called polyphenol. Polyphenol protects the liver from damage. Berries also helps in promoting the immune system.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish i.e. oily fish are found in high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for health. It contains properties of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-carcinogenic. These properties protect the brain from all kinds of diseases. For this, salmon, tuna, herrings can be consumed by fishes. Use fatty fish twice a week.


Broccoli contains many nutrients. Broccoli keeps estrogen hormones in the mentane. Green vegetables contain folate, vitamin-K and fibre. In addition, they contain the properties of anti-oxidants, which act as anti-inflammatory in the body. It also contains calcium which helps in eliminating the premenstrual syndrome problem in women. It also addresses the problem of stress, irritability, frequent eating and fatigue.

Green Tea

It contains vitamins, minerals, fibre, caffeine, anti-oxidant and amino acids, which prove beneficial in many diseases. Experts also recommend drinking green tea. It is beneficial for both health and beauty. This is especially a boon for reducing weight, eliminating hair problems and improving the skin's khabadaam.

Disclaimer: Story tips and tips are for general information. Do not take them as a doctor or medical professional's advice. Consult a doctor in case of symptoms of illness or infection.

Health tips Use Castor Oil to relieve constipation

Nowadays, there has been a paradigm shift in the lifestyle of the people. This is also adversely affecting their health. Poor routines, late night wakes up, improper catering and stress lead to many diseases. Smoking, alcohol and junk food are also the major causes of diseases. They adversely affect the digestive system. In this situation, there is a complaint of constipation, indigestion and indigestion. Prolonged constipation causes many diseases. This causes diseases like headaches, gas, loss of appetite, etc. First of all, contact the nearest doctors. You can also use castor oil. If you are also suffering from constipation and want to get rid of it, you can adopt these domestic measures. Let us know:

A research published at the research gate explains the benefits of castor oil. This research has been done in Turkey. This research claims that castor oil proves to be effective in reducing the symptoms of constipation. However, research is needed on this subject, but castor oil can be used to relieve constipation. In addition, a research published on ncbi also explains castor oil as a drug for constipation.

Castor oil and milk

If you are suffering from constipation and want to get rid of it, you can use castor oil. For this, use two teaspoons of castor oil in a glass of lukewarm hot milk every night before bedtime. This leads to the elimination of constipation very soon. The digestive system is also strong. You can also use castor oil and milk in the morning.

Story tips and tips are for general information. Do not take them as a doctor or medical professional's advice. Consult a doctor in case of symptoms of illness or infection.

Weight Loss Tips: Include These Things In Your Diet For Faster Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tips:
Fasting is a law in all religions. Fasting is of special importance, especially in Sanatan and Islam. Fasting leads to purification of body and mind. It also has a favourable effect on health. Ayurveda advises fasting to stay healthy. Especially those suffering from increasing weight must be fasting. This leads to extra fat burn in the body. This helps in controlling the growing weight. In addition, the use of food items during fasting can also control the increasing weight. If you also want to control weight, use these Sattvik things daily-

the dried seed of water lily

The makhana is called fox nuts in English. It is part of the lotus flower. In China, for 3000 thousand years, the food is used as a medicine. It contains cholesterol, fat and sodium. Its intake gives comfort to hypertension, obesity and heart diseases. In addition, magnesium is also beneficial in diabetes due to high and low sodium in the food. For this, obese people must include food in their diet. You can also keep fasting and roast in ghee during fasting and use it with black salt.

Kuttu Flour

You can use kuttu flour by making dosa. You can also include kuttu flour in your diet for weight loss. Since kuttu flour is gluten free. You can also knead the boiled potatoes, mix salt and cumin seeds and make paratha.

water chestnut

A research has revealed that Singhgra is capable of eliminating the risk of many diseases. While the amount of fibre in the Singhde is found in large quantities which is beneficial in weight loss. If you want to lose weight, you must add the singhde to your snack.

Coconut Water

According to a research report, about 250 grams of coconut water has a mere 40 calories. If you are bothered by increasing weight, you can use coconut water. You must drink coconut water every day.

Disclaimer: Story tips and tips are for general information. Do not take them as a doctor or medical professional's advice. Consult a doctor in case of symptoms of illness or infection.

How to remove the viscosity of the lips

How To Get Pink Lips Naturally Fast Are you also looking for a cure to pink black lips?. So let's know how to remove the viscosity of t...